Saturday, 16 August 2008

Sanskrit Script Tattoos

The best option for a new wrist tattoo is Sanskrit scipts. Usually, these are quotes or passages of text that are converted into Sanskrit. Sanskrit is an ancient language with some traditions origionating from 1500BC. As it is ancient and essentially dead its meaning has been frozen in time which makes it excellent for tattoo designs as the meanings of the designs will be unlikely to change even after centuries.

There are numerous websites online that offers translation of liked quotes into Sanskrit. One only has to give the Sanskrit letterings to a tattoo shop after getting the character translation for your chosen name or favourite passage of text.

The second area is on top of the wrist that will be as visible as the armband tattoo. Sanskrit tattoos located on this area usually remain in memory as they are very distinctive. Tattoo designs on the arm can easily be covered with t-shirts or long sleeved shirts.

The third location for the Sanskrit tatoo is the inner wrist area, many sporting Sanskrit tattoo designs on their inner wrist took inspiration from a Red Hot Chilli Peppers album cover and this is a good choice for a distinctive tattoo which is very easily concealed, this area also provides a nice area to place a unique tattoo desing incorporating Sanskrit.

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